How To Protect Your Smartphone From Cyber Threats

A smartphone is universal today, and like modern computers, cyberthreats loom large; hence, smartphone security needs to be reinforced. Experts say the Android is the most targeted system because of the common operating system that features only basic security features. It doesn’t mean the iPhone is “unhackable” or immune, as there have been different types of malware found on the iOS platform. Overtime, the cyberthreats will evolve more and more in order to try to attack the iOS software.

Being that cyber threats will not slow down anytime soon, it’s important for all users to know what to do in order to guard their smartphone when online or downloading apps. The most basic precaution is also the most important, which is having a pin or password, something not easily guessed, to prevent others from getting in. Emphasis on a strong password because hackers will easily find out if your password is based on personal info, such as your birthday, important dates, names, or something as easily as 1-2-3-4-5-6. Don’t be surprised if people take the lazy route and use “password” as their password. Also, use 2-step authentication anytime it’s available.

Other ways include installing a phone tracking app if someone steals your phone so that you can use a laptop or tablet to track it down with services such as “Find my phone” or any other phone tracking app. Nowadays, all phones have a GPS, so have it on, and it won’t take much to locate your device.. You can also install specific software programs for your smartphone to counter any malware that can get in when a certain app in installed. Clean your phone often to catch and quarantine any small viruses that have seeped through.

We can’t predict when or how malicious software can come in, but it is our responsibility as a user to look at what sites and stores we use for apps. Don’t click on any links from an unknown source and be very careful with the emails you read, open or even unsubscribe to. Just because you installed security software doesn’t mean the phone is 100% safe simply because of the sophisticated threats that can get through. Download apps from direct sources to the phone such as the App Store and Google Play Store. Do your research before downloading any apps and also check reviews to see if there are any problems or bugs.

Staying up to date with your software is very important for preventing malware or viruses making a new home in your smartphone. Check regularly if the phone’s software is ready to update. These new updates are made to help fix bugs, enhance functionality and more importantly protect you against security threats. Without a software update, the phone is more prone to cyber threats because the newer version is will help better against the new tactics. Again, authorize two-factor authentication, andif you shop a lot from your phone, check your banking account to ensure that there are no extra charges. Protect your smartphone from all threats and take all necessary precautions.

In today’s age, we use smartphones for everything from banking, booking flights, playing games, connecting with family to shopping online. Hackers are aware that smartphones are people’s most prized possessions. They have essentially morphed to our own personal remote control to the world. Thousands of new apps are being developed and installed daily. People are spending more and more time on devices, so hackers see this is as a prize. The proliferation of smartphone ownership has skyrocketed since 2008. We sometimes take advantage of this power and neglect the fact that cyber hackers have more places to go for sensitive information. Browsing online via your smartphone is not safer than using your PC. Clicking on a bogus link or downloading an unknown app could prove to be detrimental to your device. Prevent yourself from paying for unnecessary tech support by “looking both ways before you cross the street” in the online world.

Nerd Alert provides local tech help services for residential and businesses. Our number one goal is to ensure that people are getting the most of their devices as well as staying secure online. If you learned something from this article, share it. Be Happy with your Technology.

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